Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Puppy stage....

So Kenzie has reached the Puppy stage if you ask me. She is very interested in everything and is attracted to anything(Including plug in air fresheners). We dont currently have a dog, but Kenzie shares some puppy characteristics... Here's a few:
1- She poops more than she eats.
2- She Loves to roll.
3- She is still very dependent on mom.
4- She will bite you anytime your in range.
5- She is still learning what sound goes with what emotion.
6- She wont hesitate to go to the bathroom on your carpet if she is given the opportunity.
7- She barks at the cats in our back yard.
8- Number 7 is not true.

Just a thought.


jeffrey greene said...

she bites? yikes.

markfrancey said...

Totally! Luckily her gum's aren't to sharp.

*kk* said...

that cracks me up! i love this post!

markfrancey said...

Glad you liked it Keeks!

Maggie May said...

just passing through..and your little girl is beautiful- and i Love her name :) i love unusual names= my kids are Dakota, Ian and Lola.

Kelly Wilde said...

haha this is hilarious!! That puppy picture looks JUST like Theo! :) I have to agree there are definitely some similarities between babies and puppies!!